At the beginning of the episode Lawrence does a magic trick. He takes a coin from behind Phineas's ear. Then Buford does a magic trick, pulling a large ear from behind his ear. This gives Phineas the idea of putting on a magic show! While they are setting up the magic show Vanessa is standing in line at the coffee shop when she runs into Major Monograms son, Monty Monogram. Even though there dads are sworn enemies the two end up having coffee together. Meanwhile Perry gets his mission from Major Monogram. Doofenshmirtz is on his way to the hippest coffee shop and Perry has to get there before Doofenshmirtz. When Perry arrives Vanessa sees him and asks him to make sure that her dad doesn't see that she is with Monty. Dr.Doofenshmirtz arrives at the coffee shop but doesn't see Perry so he explains his evil scheme to the waiter. Dr.D is making a Cool-inator. To power the Cool-inator Dr.D needs something cool. That's why he is going to fill the Cool-inator with coffee. In the end Dr.Doofenshmirtz's inator hits Lawrence and Linda. When Candace comes to get her parents they are cool so they don't even care.
Quotes- "Mind flip!" -Baljeet "No, no you guys are nerds! I'm cool! Well at least I would've been when I hit myself with the inator, which is now destroyed. CURSE YOU, PERRY THE PLATYPUS!!
"Wanna see what I got behind my ear? Its another ear! -Buford
"Can you imagine the look on both our dads faces if they saw us here together? -Monty Monogram
"A good magician never reveals his secrets!" -Ferb and Lawrence Fletcher
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